Technology is transforming the labour market, according to McKinsey speakers
Honest opinions on the rise of artificial intelligence
László Palkovics previously served as Minister for Technology and Industry between 2018 and 2022
Interview with founder Péter Vidos
Interview with Princeton University professor and IMF historian
More units included in three-year plan
Allianz Risk Barometer publsihed
Calls for an increasing number of reforms in the EU
They purchased a 31% block of shares
Grave issues brought to light
Artificial intelligence has become a key element in the US-China conflict
New authority and test environment to be created
Basic guidelines set, details still need to be worked out
Chief economists project at World Economic Forum
Portfolio talks with an expert at McKinsey
In February, the country's first accredited ChatGPT university course will be launched
Interview with Andreas Braun, AI expert at Boston Consulting Group
AI seen augmenting rather than destroying jobs
"It could fundamentally change everything we have thought about medical practice."
Development of AI surrounded by caution and concern in Hungary